Poster(Country Reasearch)

Hello there here are the slides to my country project(I’d rather show my research task than my poster because it was unfinished).Anyway the country I chose was Portugal a little country located in Spain.Fun Fact Did you know Portugal dates way back than Rome?Well what I meant was Lisbon.Lisbon is said to be four centuries older than Rome.Want more facts about Portugal just check out the Slides Thank you for your time!(There will be a photo of the poster)


Task Description:Hello here is my rubric on my reading what I did was I read a book Called Afakasi Chameleon

I used and online recorder and recorded myself reading the book then I used this rubric to

mark myself on how I good my reading was.Please leave a positive comment! Thank you

Thank you Synergy Health ! And KPMG

Thank you Synergy and KPMG for providing Yr7&8 extension class with all these pedometers.We are very thankful for your kind

Gesture This will help us improve on our physical health.And will help us through our life and we’ll remember all the things we learnt at kpmg and to never forget your guys food is delicious thank you good bye